
The information provided on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice.

Anyone who has a legal problem should seek the advice of an attorney. No one should act on the basis of any content included in this website without seeking legal advice from an attorney. Your review and use of this website is at your own risk.

The representative cases we present on our website are for your information. Each legal case is unique, with its own specific factual and legal circumstances. Nothing on this site is meant to guarantee or predict a similar result in any future case we may do.

While the firm of Gagne, Scherer & Associates has made every effort to include up-to-date information on its website, the law can change quickly. Please understand that information contained on this website may not yet reflect the most recent legal developments. The firm of Gagne, Scherer & Associates reserves the right to revise or update the information on this website at any time, without notice, and disclaims any liability for your use of information or statements of law contained in this website, or the performance of the website generally.

The firm of Gagne, Scherer & Associates does not commit to representing you based on your visit to this website or response to our offer of a free consultation. No one can establish an attorney-client relationship with the firm of Gagne, Scherer & Associates except by retaining the firm with a retainer fee.

In addition to being licensed in to practice law in certain states, we are licensed to practice in military jurisdictions. The information on this site pertains to military jurisdictions only.

Gagne, Scherer & Associates is the trade name of the law firm of Gagne, Scherer & Associates LLC, which is registered with the State of Illinois as a Limited Liability Company, and which is similarly registered in Connecticut and Minnesota.