In the past, it was almost unheard-of that there were trials in Fort Knox involving members of the military that were charged with murder. In recent years, though, more and more military men and women have been charged with premeditated murder, attempted murder, and aggravated assault, among other violent crimes that were committed during their service overseas.
Some soldiers have even been threatened with the death penalty. When prosecuting these charges, prosecutors often seek the maximum penalty, which could be as severe as life in prison or death.
Until recently, these cases were so rare, including for soldiers stationed at Fort Knox, that not many military trial lawyers had the experience and the knowhow to defend these charges. Even today, it’s rare to find an attorney with any experience defending this kind of case.
When a military member is facing a charge of murder, the media barges in and escalates everything. It’s not enough that you are being charged with murder, aggravated assault, or another violent crime. The public and the media speculate about what you did, assume the allegations are true, and suddenly you’re a top headline on the national news.
You need a military lawyer who has experience not only defending cases like yours, but also dealing with the heightened media pressure that you are likely to face, even in the small town of Fort Knox, Kentucky.
If you’re faced with these serious, life-threatening military charges, you need an experienced military defense attorney who has a track record of defending soldiers just like you. The attorneys of Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC, are highly qualified military attorneys with vast trial experience, including defending violent crimes. Fighting cases in Fort Knox from beginning to end, we believe we have a keen ability to comprehend the mindset of a military jury. Being no strangers to large, high profile cases like these, we have extensive experience coping with the many pressures and queries of the media.
If you have been charged with a violent crime due to actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, or stateside as a member of the military, contact military trial attorneys who serve servicemen and women stationed at Fort Knox who have experience defending charges just like yours.
Contact Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC, today.
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