Located about 15 miles south of Omaha, Nebraska, Offutt Air Force Base is a United States military installation that is home to a population of 8,855 military members, 9,744 dependents, 2,957 civilians employed by the Department of Defense, and 1,742 other civilians. The base was first used for aviation during World War One when the United States Army used the base as an Army Air Service balloon field. With so many people living and working at Offutt AFB, it is inevitable that military members will occasionally be accused of criminal misconduct. The military criminal justice system moves quickly and can impose extremely harsh penalties, so it is imperative for military members who have be accused of crimes to retain legal counsel as soon as possible.
Military criminal defense lawyers committed to protecting your legal rights
Military members are subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), a body of law that differs in many important respects from the laws that apply to the civilian population. While certain criminal offenses have civilian analogues, the UCMJ criminalizes certain types of conduct that would be perfectly legal for civilians to engage in. In addition, there are significant procedural differences that can make the military criminal justice system very confusing for attorneys who are unfamiliar with military criminal defense. The lawyers of Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC are skilled military criminal attorneys that routinely represent military members who have been accused of various offenses, including the following:
- Court Martial
- Administrative proceedings
- Mental Health
- Drug Charges
- Computer Sex Crimes
- Violent Crimes
- Larceny
- Fraternization
- Sexual assault
- Fraud
- Non-judicial Punishment
The firm is qualified to defend any type of military offense, so individuals accused of crimes not listed above should not hesitate to contact our office to retain legal representation.
Contact an Offutt civilian military criminal defense lawyer today to schedule a free case evaluation
A criminal conviction can have a significant impact on a service member’s career, quality of life, reputation, and future. For this reason, servicemen and women who are facing criminal allegations should retain qualified legal counsel as soon as possible. The lawyers of Gagne, Scherer & Associates, LLC are all former members of the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps who have dedicated their civilian careers to representing the legal rights of military members who have accused of criminal misconduct. We routinely travel around the world representing individuals accused of various crimes and we work hard to bring each case to the most favorable outcome possible. To schedule a free consultation with one of our Offutt military criminal defense lawyers, call our office today at 1-773-899-2514 or send us an email through our online contact form available here.