We are former JAGs helping Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard servicemen and women worldwide.

When the U.S. military is against you, you’re in deep trouble. In a court martial, everyone—the command, investigators, co-workers—assumes the defendant is guilty. The military has unlimited resources, but when it comes to funding, appointed (free) military attorneys are a very low priority. The prosecution has an entire staff of investigators and military police, but the defense has none. The prosecution also has numerous attorneys to handle a heavy case load, but the appointed defense attorney office typically has only one or two, and the appointed military attorney is required to perform the same military, non-law duties as every other officer.

Keith SchererAttorney Greg Gagne

As you can see, when the U.S. military is against you, you need the help of an experienced, aggressive, independent military attorney. All of our civilian military attorneys are former JAGs, and we have helped thousands of military members of all ranks, from members in basic training to high-ranked officers. Whether your case is desertion or drugs, mouthing off or murder, we have the skills and track record to help you. From the moment you hire us, we fight to put a wall around you. You need attorneys who know the military, but no longer belong to it. We make sure you understand your rights and that the military respects your rights. Contact our office today for help from a civilian military lawyer.